O meni:

Viktorija Rozman Bitenc, svobodna umetnica in slovenska fotografinja, *23. december 1992, Ljubljana.

Raziskujem vse kar je nenavadno in očem skrito. Največja ljubezen so mi zapuščene zgradbe in ljudje z roba. Zgradbe imajo v sebi zgodbe, takšne in drugačne. Vsaka ima svojo življenjsko zgodbo. So kot ljudje. Tudi one imajo v sebi energijo, ki jo oddajajo. Le ta polni mojo notranjo praznino in mi služi za pomoč brezdomcem in narkomanom.

V svoj foto objektiv skušam ujeti prav vsak skriti in ne skriti kotiček. Fotografiram zapuščeno, kakor ne zapuščeno in polno energije in svežine.

Življenje je zame raziskovanje, kateremu nikoli ni konca. Zato skušam v svojemu življenju videti, poskusiti, slišati, se naučiti čim več. Nikoli ne vemo, kdaj nas doleti konec naše poti.

Opozorilo / Warning

Vse fotografije so last avtorja tega bloga in so zaščitene z avtorskimi pravicami. Kakršna koli uporaba fotografij mora biti odobrena s strani avtorja.

All photographs are property of author of this blog and are protected by copyright.
Any usage of photos must be approved by the author.

Trailer "Koliko se ljubiš?" (Docum. movie)

sobota, 2. marec 2013

Davide Martello (EN) #Street Artist

 Davide Martello #Street Artist
When i walk through the center of Ljubljana, in the distance I hear the music. Increasingly we are approaching Prešeren place and in the middle of the circle I see street artist, which plays the piano beautifully. Beautiful music, note the wind for each other, even mermaids from Ljubljanica can start to dance. You simply can not resist not to photograph and shoot him. When to stand and listen to wonderful music, I decide that it is an ideal opportunity to write a new blog. This time is dedicated street artist from Germany, Davide Martello.

Davide is a freelance composer Mortello Konstanz. The young artist coming from the capital of Germany, Berlin. He decided to give the world and playing beautiful music before the message and pleasure to his listeners, fans. I think it has served its purpose of playing, it plays absolutely amazing. On his website he wrote on Facebook: "Now I fly out into the world with my grand piano to Conquer the musical world!" In the world he went his own car brands Wolkswagen Vento, in the background, accompanied by a smaller trailer which adorns his "homemade" piano. Davide is an artist of free spirit, which enjoys playing the piano.

Since my knowledge of foreign languages ​​is not the most "prosperous" I did not do more serious interview. The young artist what you can read more on his website ...


Here you can see his wonderful playing ...

© Victoria Rozman