O meni:

Viktorija Rozman Bitenc, svobodna umetnica in slovenska fotografinja, *23. december 1992, Ljubljana.

Raziskujem vse kar je nenavadno in očem skrito. Največja ljubezen so mi zapuščene zgradbe in ljudje z roba. Zgradbe imajo v sebi zgodbe, takšne in drugačne. Vsaka ima svojo življenjsko zgodbo. So kot ljudje. Tudi one imajo v sebi energijo, ki jo oddajajo. Le ta polni mojo notranjo praznino in mi služi za pomoč brezdomcem in narkomanom.

V svoj foto objektiv skušam ujeti prav vsak skriti in ne skriti kotiček. Fotografiram zapuščeno, kakor ne zapuščeno in polno energije in svežine.

Življenje je zame raziskovanje, kateremu nikoli ni konca. Zato skušam v svojemu življenju videti, poskusiti, slišati, se naučiti čim več. Nikoli ne vemo, kdaj nas doleti konec naše poti.

Opozorilo / Warning

Vse fotografije so last avtorja tega bloga in so zaščitene z avtorskimi pravicami. Kakršna koli uporaba fotografij mora biti odobrena s strani avtorja.

All photographs are property of author of this blog and are protected by copyright.
Any usage of photos must be approved by the author.

Trailer "Koliko se ljubiš?" (Docum. movie)

petek, 24. november 2017

"Koliko se ljubiš? / How hard you love yourself? - TRAILER

1st trailer for our documentary movie is here! We can afford to say for sure (100%) that 1st Slovenian documentary movie without any cenzure is coming soon!

"How hard you love yourself? - TRAILER

Director: Nina Blažin
Production: Sever&Sever

The documentary movie "How hard you love yourself?" show us life of a young Artist girl, which momentaly live on the street, as drug addict but all her actions are for love. To feel love, to be loved and to give love. She try to share her feelings through her work, interviews in public media about urban exploring in Slovenia, life on the Slovenian streets, more in squats. In movie we gonna found situations all from life on the street, visit in jail and in the same time girl which make everything to feel love. Through movie we can feel the girl, her way of life from the street, when she try to visit her husband in jail at the same time she have many interesting situations.
"As main actor I am excited to see whole movie before premiere. I know how deep I gonna fall in tears, all momories and feelings... When you are watching your life through 3rd eyes. Not many people have opportunity to see their life through 3rd eyes like others...It's documentary movie about MY life, my story and with that my way of views, interests, hobbies, actions and everthing what comes from my heart and soul. Love which I miss and looking for her through all my life. Message of movie is how hard you love yourself? How we harm ourself, is this honest love to our body? How honest you are to yourself, your heart? Do you follow your dreams or words from others? I can't tell nothing more before premiere..."
All thanks goes to director Nina Blažin and production Sever&Sever.
Hard to wait to see our work and day of premiere...
A littlebit afriaid of effect on people, their comments cuz many doors gonna closed and many of them gonna open more friendly. But in the main row I am happy cuz I get opportunity to show through my life story, share many psychologicly immportant things for our life...